The mission of the Hobbs Foundation works to form state-wide partnerships with nonprofit organizations committed to improving the lives of children. We create meaningful opportunities and provide vital community-based supports for children.


The Foundation collaborates directly with our nonprofit partners to identify programmatic strategies in response to the needs of at-risk children. Our goal is to bridge the gap between the wider system of services and community-based stakeholders to establish pathways to success for children and families in a unified effort to advance security and resiliency. These include providing access to comprehensive resources, mentorship and education. We strive to deepen our knowledge base through partnerships with both grassroots organizations as well as multidisciplinary lead agencies in Florida to maximize our impact to children and families.

The Hobbs Foundation has since established partnerships with charitable organizations across the state who have demonstrated evidence-based outcomes in improving the well-being of children. Our programs help to provide children and youth with the tools they need to reach their full potential as productive and responsible members of their community.

Our Core Grantmaking Initiatives

The Hobbs Foundation’s grantmaking in child welfare focuses on safeguarding emotional well-being, promoting healthy connections, and ensuring economic sustainability for at-risk families in Florida. By supporting interventions like home visiting, early childhood health, and parenting skills, the foundation aims to enhance the quality of life for children and families in need.

We target issues such as substance abuse, mental health, and economic instability that impact children and families in Florida. By providing support for prevention programs and services, the foundation aims to address these challenges proactively and promote stability and resilience in at-risk communities.

The Foundation is dedicated to to improving outcomes for children in the foster care system by supporting initiatives that focus on family reunification, permanency, and well-being. Through partnerships with local communities and organizations, we work to ensure that children in foster care have access to resources and supports for a brighter future.

The Hobbs Foundation provides support for shelter, education, and resources that promote stability and self-sufficiency among vulnerable families in Florida. These programs ensure that children who are experiencing housing insecurity reach their academic, social-emotional, and physical development milestones.

We focus on providing opportunities for underserved children to engage with their community, learn new skills, and broaden their horizons. By supporting hands-on programs like summer camps, art and music lessons, and mentorship, the foundation aims to empower youth to achieve their full potential.

The Foundation’s grantmaking in mental health aims to address the critical need for consistent intervention and prevention strategies to support the emotional well-being of children and families in Florida. By partnering with organizations that offer mental health services and supports, the Hobbs Foundation works to ensure that individuals have access to the resources they need to thrive and lead healthy, fulfilling lives.